Thursday, November 18, 2010

Business as Usual?

Getting Pregnant Update:
I am confused, oh so confused by my body.  Before I had Cooper, it was very predictable.  I could tell time based on my body's reliability.  But now???  It is a mess.  For all I know it is midnight in the middle of spring.  This is particularly annoying now while I am trying to get pregnant.  I thought FOR SURE I wasn't pregnant bc, as I would expect, I started to spot the day before AF was due.  All of my pregnancy tests have been negative.  Well, I counted myself out.  No worries we will try again.  Trying is so much fun anyway! 

But, wait.

No period (lots of spotting).  2 days late.  No positive pregnancy test. WHAT THE HELL BODY?!  I can't function when you are not functioning.  I just need to know.  AM I PREGNANT OR NOT?  How am I expected to function at work?  I can barely write this for my mind is literally abuzz with questions of what could be going on. 

As if that isn't enough.  I have had quite a bit of wine and even an anxiety pill since I just knew I wasn't pregnant.  Now I have to carry that with me for the next 9 months if I am pregnant.  Not that I think I am.  I don't.  But there is a tiny chance I am. 

So here I am.  At work.  On a conference call that I can't pay attention to.  Writing about my possible pregnancy.  And being very annoyed with my body.  Honestly the only business I will be attending to is with my possible unborn child and my wonderful actual Tiny Pigweed running around. 

Tiny Pigweed Update (AKA...brag time)
I love this child!  He slept from 6:30pm to 6am!!!!!  With only a 4am diaper change in between.  What a glorious night of sleep.  To top of the good morning, he began showing off two new signs we learned yesterday.  Apple (which he went to the fridge, pointed at the apple and did the sign!) and telephone.  Too cute.  He is starting to repeat everything.  He actually says Thank You!  I am constantly amazed by him.

He seemed to make huge learning strides when he had a playmate.  I miss V.  For the past couple of months, he has been the only kid in the house.  While I think he loves all of the attention, he needs a playmate and I am not ready to do part time pre-school yet.  So, if you know anyone who is looking to share a nanny (she is AWESOME) in South Austin, let me know.  We are really looking for a walker to 3yr old.  That way they can play and learn from each other.  Thanks!



  1. Hi there! I found you on the blog hop and I am now following you. Your blog is lovely!! You can find me at

  2. The blog looks great!!! Looking forward to what comes next!!

  3. Sorry your body doesn't coordinate with you these days, Jess! Hope things get better and you finally won't get mixed signals anymore! I am now following you thanks to Buzz on By Thursday, and it would be so nice if you could share the love back on my blog;)
    Also today we have the coolest blog hop there is... no rules just fun and would love you to join in with us at Boost My Blog Friday :) Happy Friday!
